Ru En
Ru En

FACTORY OF STARCH-SYRUP". All rights reserved


1878 / year

The plant was built by businesswoman Spiridonova Maria Grigoryevna (merchant of the second guild). The plant produced glucose syrup and starch.

1902 / year

Most of the equipment has been purchased, the factory has been provided with electricity

1916-1917 / year

The factory produced potato flour and dried vegetables.

1917 / year after the October Revolution

The plant was repurposed to potato processing and confectionery syrup production.

1934 / year

The production volume has increased, the annual output of confectionery syrup was 7615 tons. The plant continued to produce starch and syrup. During this difficult period women replaced men being off at the front.

1960 / year

A mill was built at the factory for corn processing. The assortment was expanded. Malt syrup production started.

1973 / year

Mechanized malt-house was launched.

1981 / year

The factory set up kvass wort concentrate production. In the first year 542 tons were produced and sold.

2003 / year

There was a fire at the factory. Almost all the process facilities were affected.

2005 / year

The plant has been restored and started kvass wort concentrate and malt syrup production.

2018 / year

A new website was launched.

2019 / year

In accordance with agricultural sector data the plant becomes the Exporter of the Year.

2021 / year

The assortment is expanded (new extracts production), the second production line construction start.

The factory celebrated 145 years

2023 / year